среда, 28. мај 2008.

Kadampa Buddhist Temples

A Kadampa Buddhist Temple is a special, holy place, where we can receive blessings and powerful imprints on our minds that lead to deep inner peace in the future.

Many Kadampa Temples are being built around the world as part of the International Temples Project.

Kadampa Buddhist Temples take many forms. Some are custom built according to a special design developed by Geshe Kelsang based on traditional Buddhist architecture, such as the Mother Temple at Manjushri Kadampa Meditation Centre in England and the Temples in New York, and São Paulo.

Others are adapted from existing buildings acquired for Kadampa Meditation Centers around the world, such as the Temples in Toronto, Le Mans, Berlin, Zurich Texas and Melbourne. Yet others
are incorporated within Hotel Kadampas, such as those in Málaga and Tuscany.

Many more Temples are planned throughout the world.

Whatever form they take, Kadampa Temples are holy places open to everyone to enjoy. They are Pure Lands in our troubled world – offering doorways to inner peace for all who visit them.

Pure land

Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso explains that at first a Temple is a representation of a Pure Land, such as Tushita Heaven where Je Tsongkhapa abides, or the Pure land of Buddha Heruka and Vajrayogini.

Eventually, however, through the force of all the pure practices and sincere prayers performed in it and the blessings of the Holy Beings, the Temple becomes an actual Pure Land.

Blessed statues

Kadampa Temples all house beautiful shrines in which you can see magnificent statues cast in Kadampa Studios. Just seeing these blessed statues places powerful imprints on the mind to experience deep inner peace in the future.

The Temples are open to the public for both private and group visits. Information on local visiting times can be found on each Temple’s website (see menu).

Annual events

Kadampa Temples are international establishments and each year they host major gatherings such as Dharma Celebrations, National Festivals, and International Festivals.

2 коментара:

Ryan Hidajat је рекао...

Milo Moje...

Ryan Hidajat је рекао...

My video tutorial honn... I want you to see it..