недеља, 11. мај 2008.

Another ghosts...

Is Balinese demon, originated as a witch that worship or disciple of "Calon Arang" or "Rangda". Calon Arang or Rangda is a demon witch that cause plague and any other disaster in ancient times. Originated in 10th century East Javanese Legend of King Airlangga who fight against evil witch, Calon Arang.

Leak usualy a female demon that practice black evil witchcraft. She can turn into anything she desire, any animals or any things.
Her popular sighthings is flying blue fire during night, and also flying head without body, with intestine and internal organ hanging under the head. -eek

It seeks victim to suck their blood and sometimes eat their internal organs. But Leak usually prefer infant or baby for her food. It's believe the baby is eaten as part of the witch black magic ritual to stay young and beautiful forever. Witch who practice Leak witchcraft usualy looks beautiful and young, but the'll look horrible when they turn to Leak.

Some source believe that sometimes Leak can turn into many things, including automobiles. Some sighthing tell that one day, a young girl, the nephew of Pedande (Balinese Priest) want to go home, but she finds there is two car. Both looks like hers. She get confused and ask her uncle, the Pedande. Than the Pedande hit those car with stone after chanting some magic spell. One of the car say "Ouch...!" Then there is hair growing out from the car. The car slowly turn into a hairy demon. Then the priest hit that demon. The demon runs away in fear. The Priest says that it is a demon that originaly a person who practicing Leak witchcraft. And she wanna kill the Pedande's nephew.

Roro Kidul
Some anthropologist believe it is originaly a natural female deity that rule the Java southern sea that may exist long before the arrival of Hindu and Islam to Java. Roro Kidul doesn't necesarily evil, some dukun or psychic even finds her generous and kind Queen. She rules all spirits, demons, deity in Java southern coast.

The bad side is, she's love to drawned people to southern sea, especially handsome young men. Then she will take their soul and keep them as her pet, her lover -red , servant, or just as citizen of her underwater spirit kingdom.
The most peculiar thing is she love the green color, so if you visit southern beach of Java, locals may warn you not to wear green shirt, clothes, or bathing suit, cause Roro Kidul will take you and drawn you to her kingdom.

Rara Kidul is the spiritual eternal consort of Yogyakarta Sultans for generations. On the account and autobiography of late Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX, he mention that the spirit deity Queen Roro Kidul looks extremely beautiful during full moon and to the person she like. But she will turn old and rather ugly during new/dead moon and when she get angry. :D

Legend links her to a cast away Princess of Sundanese Hindu Pajajaran kingdom. She's the daughter of the queen, but a jealous concubine cast black magic spell on the queen and her daughter. The Queen and the Princess being struck with horrible skin desease caused by black magic. The king then cast away the queen and her daughter. Suffering the desease, the queen passed away in agony. Then the princess wandering around until she reach southern beach. Then a magic voice tell her to drawn in to the wave of southern sea. Then cured, and become the Queen of Southern Seas.

Suster Ngesot
I believe this has something to do with Jakarta urban legend, and bring to popularity by film Jelangkung. All I know about her is she is a nurse (suster) during Dutch East Indies, colonial era in Indonesia.

Some source says that she's being raped and killed in the old Dutch Hospital. One night the nurse confront an evil man. When she try to escape, she fell down the stairs and broke her legs. Then the evil man drag her to a "bangsal" (ward or "salle" in French), rape her and kill her. The unrest spirit of poor nurse still haunted the hospital. Some sighthings report the presence of female sighing and sounds in vain, then some people saw a nurse moving around the hall by dragging her body with her hands on floor ("Ngesot" in Indonesian language), because her legs is broken.

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