недеља, 11. мај 2008.

About Indonesian ghosts....

Indonesian ghosts:

A demon child or infant that usualy originate from the unrest spirit of aborted or miscarried fetus or baby. Tuyul look like a small child or a baby about 2 to 5 years old, but his face is rather horrible and evil. It seek "mother" for keep it, in return Tuyul will help it's master to stole money or gold from people in the neighbourhood. In return, the master must gave them "milk" and breast feeding it, that is with blood. So the master or "mother" doesn't necesarily female, male could do to. It is blood they suck. But unlike vampire, tuyul doesn't drink you to death. Just nough to suffer loss of blood. -laugh

Originate as a natural deity or spirit, kind of demon that guard and inhabit (penunggu) specific places such as big stone, big tree, cave, lake, empty house, and any other creepy and haunted places. But usually it prefer big "Waru" or "Beringin" tree as his house.
His form is bigger and taller than human, about 3 meter to 5 meter tall, some source report bigger sighthings. It whole body covered with thick hair, similar to bear or some kind of giant ape. It's canine teet is big and long, kinda Balinese monster mask.

A small living monstrous doll. Have striking similarity to troll doll. -laugh
It size about a palm of adult. Although it not moving in present of human, it hair and nail are growing, the sign that it is some kind of living thing. Some people believe that keeping and collecting these Jenglot mummies (that still live) can bring fortune, but with some kind of cost (tumbal).

Babi Ngepet or Were-Pig
It's some kind of "ilmu pesugihan" or black magic to be rich, but sell your soul to demon or satan. That the person who study this black magic sometimes will turn into a wild pig. This "Were-Pig" sometimes storming the village, and when the villager kill it, the pig corpse turn into a human body.

Kalong Wewe (sometimes called Kantong Wewe)
A horrible female demon with big enourmos breast. This demon love to eat children. She will catch the unguarded and stray kids. then put her victim in to the hole in her breast. Her breast acted as a pocket, like kangaroo. Then she take the children to her place and eat them

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